
Research-Based Sexual Health Education Programs for Teens 

The Endless Possibilities Program is a 10 series research-based curriculum that is designed to prevent premature pregnancies and S.T.I.s while addressing the systemic root causes of health disparities, including challenges of academic success, relationships, self-esteem, and peer pressure. This program incorporates best practices to promote goal achievement and academic success while addressing risky sexual behaviors such as unacquainted or uninformed information, beliefs, and perceived norms.  

●      Our highly interactive program consists of a lesson plan, classroom discussion, interactive games and activities, RealCare Baby infant simulators, and journaling.

Endless Possibilities addresses critical public health problems related to S.T.I. rates. Healthy People 2030 (HP 2030) cites Cuyahoga County’s areas of concern with two goals identified for this project’s priority population: 1) Increase the proportion of sexually active females aged 15 to 19 years who used a condom at last intercourse; and 2) Increase formal instruction on HIV/AIDS prevention. To learn more, please click here.

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M.O.M (Making Opportunities Matter) Program 

The M.O.M program is designed to educate, empower and support pregnant and postpartum participants. The program consists of 13 hybrid weekly group sessions that aim to improve Black infant and maternal health while providing education, support and resources to decrease health inequities in infant and maternal mortality. Participants meet once a week in a culturally supportive environment with a trained trauma-informed facilitator. Sessions focus on healthy pregnancy, labor & delivery, stress management techniques, financial planning, breastfeeding support, nurturing self & babies, healthy relationships and much more. Pre- and post-natal yoga is integrated throughout the program and all clients are connected to an internal certified community health worker (CHW). The CHW meets 1:1 to assess clients needs, provide complementary participant-centered life planning, helps clients develop life skills, set and attain goals, learn strategies for managing stress, build social support and reduce isolation.


●       pregnant women

●       less than 12 months postpartum

●       must reside in Cuyahoga County


Baby Pantry 

Parenting is already stressful. Imagine not having the basic supplies to clothe or care for your baby. Our pantry meets families’ basic needs for registered clients with baby clothing (NB to24 months), diapers, and other essential baby items provided at no-cost. The pantry is only accessible to clients that are enrolled in our programs that have earned the required points.

Donations of new items and gently used clothing are accepted at our office, please contact us at 216-510-5101 for more information.

Every other month community members have the opportunity to register for diapers, wipes and formula. Registration is on a first come first serve basis.


Pre and Post Natal Yoga Program

We offer weekly Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga in partnership with Rooted Blossoms for M.O.M Program participants. These classes are ideal low-impact fitness and introspective routines to both start when one is expecting as well as continue after giving birth. Through the practice of yoga, this program connects women in building a sense of community and support.  

Women who do yoga — including breathing exercises, meditation and posture positions — for one hour a day have been shown to have a lower preterm labor rate, as well as lower risk of pregnancy-reduced hypertension, compared with women who spent the same amount of time walking. Equally, those practicing yoga and meditation have additional physical and introspective tools assisting in the post birth transitions.

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Women’s Empowerment Program

The Afterparty is a yearlong program that brings M.O.M Program Alumni together to build a tribe of support, accountability, and resources. The program consists of monthly mentoring, bi-monthly workshops, incentives for goals and strategic family planning. The aim is to decrease toxic stress, infant mortality and subsequent pregnancies while increasing self-awareness and goal accomplishment. This powerful series addresses the cycles of systemic racism, while offering real solutions to break barriers that have bound women to patterns of generational cycles. 


Monthly Life Skills Workshops 

We offer a variety of workshops to help equip youth and women with the necessary skills to make positive healthy life choices.

Click here for 2023 Workshops 

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Annual Mommy & Me Ball

The Mommy & Me Ball fundraiser was established by Pregnant with Possibilities Resource Center (PPRC) in 2017 to increase family bonding and communication while bringing awareness to the birth disparities and our organizational efforts here in Cuyahoga County. To date the Mommy and Me Ball has hosted over 1,000 families.

You are invited to join us on the third Sunday in September for an evening filled with dancing, dinner, karaoke and many more surprises.

**We welcome mom’s, grandma’s, guardians, special women and children (boys & girls) of all ages. For more information, please visit www.mommyandmeball.com